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Dr. Speron is board certified with the American Board of Plastic Surgery and an active member of both
the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS).

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What is beauty? Short Scar Facelifts


You can choose a Plastic Surgeon for Location, or results!

Imagine a facelift surgery office dedicated to the art of Minimal Incision Surgery. We did! Dr. Speron combines 20+ years of plastic surgery experience with his vision of the perfect program for patients. He has listened to you! Learn more below.

Facial Plastic Surgery

Classic Beauty with Facelift in Chicago

Picture turning back the clock to a younger you while still looking like you. Looking good. Looking natural. Preserving the essence of you. That is what top Chicago Facelift Surgeon gives you.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Simple Surgery For The Face

Our winning formula: Minimal Incision Surgery combined with a unique Post-Operative Program that is exclusively ours. Our shared goal? Faster and better healing. Let's return you to normal life as quickly as we can.

Chicago Facelift Surgeon Cosmetic


When I first published The 7 Critical Questions to Ask Before Letting Any Surgeon Touch You, I had no idea that it would be so popularly received. Since its publication, this brief guide has helped thousands like you to more safely navigate the world of cosmetic surgery. The 7 Questions have been updated and a bonus section, Applying the 7 Questions, has just been added. Be my guest to read, learn and share.

7 Critical Questions


An Approachable Doctor
The Consultation
A Healthy Future
Exclusive Facelift Surgery Program
Surgical Approach
Here's a simple test you can do at home to see if you're a good candidate for a facelift!
Chicago Face Lift Surgery
Video Testimonial
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